10 Idaho Lakes to Backpack to This Summer
Summer will be here before you know it so start planning now!
Is anybody else already dreaming of long summer days spent in the mountains? Does the thought of lizarding on a sun-baked rock next to an alpine lake bring tears of joy to your eyes? We know how you feel. Not only that, but we've done you a favor and compiled a list of some of the most idyllic mountain lakes that you can find in Idaho. Get your gear ready, prepare your legs for the haul, and pick a few of your favorites from our list. Summer is always one of the busiest season of the year, so if you want to make those lakeside camping dreams a reality, make your plans to explore Idaho's trails now!
1. Backpack through Surprise Valley to Lake 10148
Photo: Garren Moore
2. Backpack to Born Lakes
Photo: Garren Moore
3. Backpack to Alice Lake
Photo: Dusty Klein
4. Backpack the Alice Toxaway Loop
Photo: Matt Huber
5. Backpack to Cramer Lakes
Photo: Amanda Solomon
6. Backpack to Imogene Lake
Photo: Mike Sanders
7. Backpack to Saddleback Lakes
Photo: Fudo Jahic
8. Backpack to Sawtooth Lake
Photo: Dusty Klein
9. Backpack to Trail Creek Lakes
Photo: Dusty Klein
10. Backpack to Marten and Kelly Lakes
Photo: Garren Moore
Check out Visit Idaho for more amazing summer adventures across the state.
Cover photo: Garren Moore
We want to acknowledge and thank the past, present, and future generations of all Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples whose ancestral lands we travel, explore, and play on. Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!
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