Addison KlinkeExplorer
Backpack to Cecile Lake
Madera County, California
16 mi
/ 1904 ft gain
Located in the heart of the Ansel Adams Wilderness, Cecile Lake can be reached from a variety of trailheads. I chose to start out in Agnew Meadows. From here, the trail criss-crosses through a serene lowland environment with several crystal clear streams. After passing Olaine Lake, veer left and continue past Shadow Lake (a nice lunch break choice).Further along the trail, you will reach Ediz...
Clouds Rest via Tenaya Lake
Mariposa County, California
14.5 mi
/ 1775 ft gain
The "younger" brother of the world famous Half Dome, Clouds Rest is in fact a solid 1,000 feet taller despite receiving significantly less attention. If you know about this hidden gem however, you're in luck. Starting out from the Tenaya Lake trailhead will save you crowds on the trail and the trouble of driving into the congested Yosemite Valley and fighting for parking spaces.
At the start...
Ansel Adams' Garnet Lake
Madera County, California
14.46 mi
/ 2717 ft gain
Garnet Lake is one of the premier stops along the Pacific Crest Trail. However, even if you don't have time for an entire thru-hike (like most of us), this beautiful lake is still easily accessible as an overnight trip! While there are many possible routes for reaching Garnet Lake, the Agnew Meadows trailhead is a popular choice.
From the quiet, lowland environment the trail climbs and reach...
Cathedral Lakes
Wawona, California
9.04 mi
/ 1100 ft gain
Starting at the Cathedral Lakes Trailhead near the Tuolumne Meadows parking lot (if parking is full at the TH), this trail wanders through the classic High Sierra forest with large white granite boulders and pine trees. After approximately 4 miles of quiet solitude in the forest, you will reach Cathedral Lakes: a pair of high alpine lakes surrounded by the quintessential green meadows that Yos...
Backpack to Ice Lakes Basin
Leavenworth, Washington
20 mi
/ 7600 ft gain
Begin your adventure at the Phelps Creek Trailhead, roughly a 4 hour drive from Seattle. Make sure your car has good clearance and traction because the last section of the forest service road gets a little rough. Only a few minutes after starting down the trail, you will reach a split that heads up to your right (labeled for Carne Mountain, trail #1508). This trail is well-maintained and I woul...
Backpack to Upper Lamarck Lake
Bishop, California
5.8 mi
/ 1562 ft gain
Starting out at North Lake Campground, the trail to Lamarck Lakes is a fairly gradual ascent. After climbing out of the meadows near the trailhead, you will find yourself on a ridge with few trees to block the great views of Grass Lake and the valley below. Lake Sabrina is on the other side of the ridge behind Grass Lake and is a nice place to rent a canoe/powerboat if you plan to be in the a...
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