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Emily KentExplorer

A girl with a photo habit who loves nature a whole lot. A Minnesota native in Edwards, Colorado. Other loves of mine are my two little girls, my hubby, camping, hiking, surfing, singing, cycling, swimming and a good hoppy IPA. Instagram @emilyelizabeth.115

Dipsea Trail - Steep Ravine Loop

Marin County, California

3.97 mi / 1204 ft gain

Hike Sugarloaf's Pony Gate-Canyon Loop

Kenwood, California

1.7 mi / 450 ft gain

Bike the Cantelow Climb

Vacaville, California

19.68 mi / 1119 ft gain

Photograph the Annual Sandhill Crane Migration

Chapman, Nebraska


Lake Marie Road, Marie Creek, Buckeye Trail Loop

Napa, California

5.8 mi / 961 ft gain

Wildcat Peak via Nimitz Way

Berkeley, California

4.16 mi / 459 ft gain

Bike the Gordon Valley to Wooden Valley Scramble

Fairfield, California

13.5 mi / 498 ft gain

Bike the Lake Berryessa Loop

Vacaville, California

55.82 mi / 1007 ft gain

Hike the Humboldt Redwoods River Trail

Humboldt County, California

3.4 mi / 450 ft gain

Hike the Stebbins Cold Canyon Loop

Winters, California

4.5 mi / 350 ft gain

Camp and Fish at Eleven Mile Canyon

Lake George, Colorado


Ropi Lake via Pyramid Creek

Twin Bridges, California

4.87 mi / 1581 ft gain

Hike the Upper Piney River Trail

Vail, Colorado

5.6 mi / 350 ft gain

Paddle the Boundary Waters' Seagull to Saganaga Loop

Grand Marais, Minnesota

29 mi

Hike Through the El Yunque Rain Forest

Rio Grande, Puerto Rico

5 mi / 1500 ft gain