Matt Van SwolExplorer
Matt Van Swol is a self-taught landscape photographer, writer, and nuclear scientist for the US Department of Energy. After personally struggling with depression for many years, he is passionate about showing others the beauty of world around them.
Savannah Rapids Trail - Augusta Canal Trail
Augusta, Georgia
7.64 mi
/ 259 ft gain
Easily the most popular outdoor attraction in Augusta, the Savannah River Rapids Park marks the beginning of the Augusta Canal. The walkway flanks both the Savannah River and the Augusta Canal, allowing you to see both waterways from the trail. Reed River also flows into the canal producing some beautiful waterfalls adjacent to the canal. Along the walking trail, you will discover beautiful wat...
Photograph a Sunset at West Dam
Appling, Georgia
West Dam is located across the road from one of the most prominent structures in area: J. Strom Thurmond Dam. Thurmond Lake is created by the dam and the park is located on this lake. Fishing is extremely popular here, especially for largemouth bass and striped bass. There is a large swimming area that is roped off with a large beach and a volleyball court for fun in the sand as well. The park ...
Swim at Aqueduct Park (Rae's Creek)
Augusta, Georgia
0.5 mi
/ 50 ft gain
Although it is not heavily advertised, Augusta's Rae Creek Aqueduct Park is one of the most beautiful parks in the area. Located across the bridge from the Lake Olmstead Trailhead, a dirt path leads you to the base of a 35 foot waterfall that flows into a swimming hole. Next to the waterfall is Rae's Creek Aqueduct, a large brick structure that affords a better view of the park below. Old train...
Hike through Phinizy Swamp
Augusta, Georgia
2 mi
/ 20 ft gain
Phinizy offers miles of nature trails around the swamp and an expansive wooden boardwalk that allows visitors to walk the 100 meters across the swampy water. If you get lucky, you may see some of the resident beavers, alligators, and bobcats in their natural habitats. The narrow trails through the woods around the swamp also expand into beautiful open fields of marshy grass and blue heron nesti...
Hike Cliatt Creek Loop to Rock Dam Trail
Appling, Georgia
10 mi
/ 200 ft gain
Mistletoe State park encompasses 15 miles of hiking trails that lead both along Clarks Hill Lake and the river adjacent to it. Although not a necessarily strenuous hike, the 3.75-mile Cliatt Creek Nature Loop (white blaze) begins at the park’s nature center and features some amazing wildlife as it loops it way from the park entrance, to the creek, and back around the nature center with multiple...
Explore and Fish at the Savannah River Lock and Dam
Augusta, Georgia
Hidden in the back woods behind Augusta's domestic airport, the New Savannah River Lock and Dam is a favorite fishing spot for locals. Drive through the entrance to the park and you'll find a large selection of pavilions, fishing areas, a boat ramp, and even fish cleaning stations! Put your pole into any one of the hundreds of rod holders and enjoy the roaring sound of the dam! For those who ar...
Backpack Rose River Loop
Stanley, Virginia
4 mi
/ 900 ft gain
The trail can be found on Skyline Drive. Though it is a little challenging to locate, you should park at Fisher’s Gap Overlook (mile marker 49.4), and then walk over across the road and find the trail. You'll spot it by looking over the side of the road and then hiking down. The Rose River Loop begins to the left of the fire road (you'll come up this fire road on the way back). The trail st...
Kayak the Savannah River at Thurmond Dam and Lake
Clarks Hill, South Carolina
Starting at Thurmond Dam, drop your kayak in just below the dam and travel down the Savannah River. There are a couple places to you can choose to end your adventure:The first, and closest, is Riverside Park. Around the 7 mile mark downstream, Riverside park is a right hand turn towards a boat ramp. From there you can easily take your kayak out of the water and explore the park.If you choose to...
Kayak the Augusta Canal
Martinez, Georgia
Out of all the adventures in Augusta, Kayaking the Augusta Canal might be my favorite. Hosted by the Savannah River Rapids Park, single kayaks, tandem, and paddleboards are available for rent ($20-$40) from the Savannah Rapids Kayak Rental Center located on the Savannah River Rapids Trail. The launch site is located at the beginning of the canal, near the headgates and ends a couples miles down...
Photograph the Stars Over Clarks Hill Lake
Lincolnton, Georgia
The Cherokee Boat Ramp is easily my new favorite place for astrophotography in the Augusta area. If you drive around the boat ramp area for awhile, you'll notice plenty of spots to set up your camera and aim it down the beautiful Clarks Hill Lake. The ramp area creates a loop. Near the end of the loop you'll see multiple concrete pads leading down to the lake for boat entry. I like to set up my...
Camp Mistletoe State Park
Appling, Georgia
Mistletoe State Park is located on the beautiful Clark’s Hill Lake created by the J. Strom Thurmond Dam. The park offers an array of hiking trails, but is most well-known for its numerous camping spots and bass fishing. The park offers a whopping total of 100 camping sites, 4 of which are backcountry campsites. The other 96 campsites offer 40ft lot that can easily house a large trailer, motorho...
Explore Redcliffe Plantation
Beech Island, South Carolina
2 mi
/ 200 ft gain
Nestled in between Augusta GA and Aiken SC, Redcliffe Plantation is one of the many large historic plantations in South Carolina. Built in 1859, it was once home to Hames Henry Hammond, an extremely successful businessman, congressman, governor, and senator. The Greek-Revival style plantation home is gorgeous and is named after the large mound of southern “red clay” (South Carolina is so famou...
Hike Swamp Rabbit Trail to Reedy River Falls
Greenville, South Carolina
3 mi
/ 100 ft gain
Swamp Rabbit Trail is a 21 mile-long paved walkway that closely follows the Reedy River in Downtown Greenville. Over a half-a-million people visit the trail each year, but few ever walk the whole thing. What most people don’t know, is that it begins on a different river: the Enoree river and winds its way down to the Reedy River. I suggest parking at Mayberry Community Park and then hopping on ...
Kayak Betty's Branch
Evans, Georgia
Beginning at Riverside Park, put in either at the concrete boat ramp or the beach. Paddle along until you exit the inlet and now you have a decision to make: right or left?Left: Turning left takes you on a longer and more difficult route than turning right (3 hours total), but it’s absolutely worth it. The wildlife you’ll see along the riverbanks is unlike any other you’ll find along the river ...
Explore Hverir Geothermal Field
Þjóðvegur, Iceland
Not far from one the more popular hot springs in North Iceland, the Hverir Geothermal Field is one of the most spectacular (and overlooked) places in all of Iceland. The fields consist of mud pots that bubble and produce high temperature steam from the extreme heat underneath being released into the air. If you are coming from the nature baths, drive 3km ahead and around the mountain in front o...
Explore Black Sand Beach
Reynishverfisvegur, Iceland
Black Sand Beach offers an expansive view of the ocean and nearby cliffs. It gets its name from the small black pebbles that make up whats known as the "black sand" of the beach. There is a small cafe down by the water with delicious treats. Be careful here, the wind is usually very strong and there are plenty of warning signs about not going into the water due to the powerful waves created by ...
Ramble along the Augusta Riverwalk
Augusta, Georgia
3 mi
Beginning at the 5th Street Marina, the Riverwalk is two tiered with an upper level and a lower level, closer to the river itself. As you walk north, you’ll reach the 8th street plaza and bulkhead which is home to the Saturday morning market and the famous fountain along the brick-lined road to the bulkhead. The small pavilion at the bulkhead is often home to mini concerts and pop-up shows alon...
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