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Climb Mount Peale

Moab, Utah

based on 1 reviews



5 miles

Elevation Gain

2721 ft

Route Type



Added by Tobin Akehurst

Mount Peale (12,721 ft) is the tallest mountain in the La Sal range and has incredible views of Canyonlands.

From the parking area at La Sal Creek, just east of Medicine Lake examine the mountain and identify the prominent gully which feeds into La Sal Creek. Follow the old road bed north until its end and then travel cross country. Ascend the gully the the summit ridge between the northwest peak and the main peak and then bear south east along the summit ridge to the summit where you will find a cairn, windbreak, and breathtaking views of the Canyonlands region. To descend, reverse the route.

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Easy Parking


Very difficult section over steep shale. Even more difficult before the snow melts (really should have snow gear, but doable without depending on depth and location of snow). Trailhead is best reached from the EAST side of road 073, as the west route is pretty much impassable without a heavy duty 4WD, even though it’s much closer to Moab. Take lots of pictures!

Leave No Trace

Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!


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