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Hike Súlur

Súluvegur, Iceland

based on 1 reviews



9.3 miles

Elevation Gain

3116.8 ft

Route Type



Added by James Hueser

Just south of the northern city of Akureyri, Súlur offers a great viewpoint to take in peaks and snowfields in northern Iceland.

The trailhead is located at a parking lot south of Akureyri - mark it on your map and it'll be easy to find. Similar to other trails in Iceland, the way up Súlur is marked with wooden stakes which makes trail finding a breeze! If you're doing this before a lot of snow has melted, some of the stakes may be partially or completely buried, but once you're on the right track, just keep heading towards the summit.

The best part about the snow on this trail is that it gets so crusty from the intense wind blowing over the mountains, which makes for some really easy walking until you get onto the slope. The summit of Súlur is actually the second peak along the ridge, but I'd recommend gaining the ridge as soon as possible. As I mentioned, the crusty snow isn't too forgiving on a slope.

Hiking Súlur could give you a flashback to skiing down a glacier as it's surrounded by a beautiful field of snow. As barren as the landscape appears, it's truly breathtaking.

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Easy Parking


Nice write-up of Súlur! This route is also a very popular trail run in the Summer and Fall. When the trail isn't snowy, be prepared for some seriously boggy sections at the beginning. And as always in Iceland, stay safe and use the 112 Iceland app for all your backcountry adventures. http://safetravel.is/112-iceland-app/

Leave No Trace

Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!


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