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Top Spots

Foster Botanical Garden

Honolulu, Hawaii

0.69 mi / 98 ft gain

Bodysurfing Point Panic

Honolulu, Hawaii


Picnic at Ala Moana Beach Park

Honolulu, Hawaii


Surf the Reefs at Ala Moana Beach Park

Honolulu, Hawaii


Paddleboarding Kahanamoku Beach

Honolulu, Hawaii


Pu'u Ohia (Mount Tantalus)

Honolulu, Hawaii

1.03 mi / 479 ft gain

Judd Trail

Honolulu, Hawaii

1.2 mi / 223 ft gain

Judd Trail Mountain View

Honolulu, Hawaii

1.24 mi / 850 ft gain

Hike to Mount Olympus

Honolulu, Hawaii

3.4 mi / 2600 ft gain

Places to stay

Outsite Haleiwa

Haleiwa, Hawaii

Outsite Haleiwa

From $67 / night

Guides and stories

Watch Amazing Footage of Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park

Watch Amazing Footage of Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park

Liam McNally

Chasing True Adventure in the Hawaiian Islands

Chasing True Adventure in the Hawaiian Islands

Matt Fischer

7 Photos to Convince You That Hiking to Oahu's Lanikai Pillboxes for Sunrise Is Totally Worth It

7 Photos to Convince You That Hiking to Oahu's Lanikai Pillboxes for Sunrise Is Totally Worth It

Abby Shepard

Living in a Dream World: Hawaii through My Eyes

Living in a Dream World: Hawaii through My Eyes

Jayden Croft

For the Love of the Land

For the Love of the Land

Karissa Frye

Quick links