Top Spots
Near Island: North End Trail
Kodiak, Alaska
2.11 mi
/ 200 ft gain
Near Island: North End Trail is a loop trail where you may see beautiful wildflowers located near Kodiak, Alaska.
Near Island: South End Trail
Kodiak, Alaska
1.55 mi
/ 184 ft gain
Near Island: South End Trail is a loop trail where you may see local wildlife located near Kodiak, Alaska.
Pillar Mountain Trail
Kodiak, Alaska
3.1 mi
/ 873 ft gain
Pillar Mountain Trail is an out-and-back trail where you may see local wildlife located near Kodiak, Alaska.
Swampy Acres Loop
Kodiak, Alaska
4.02 mi
/ 243 ft gain
Swampy Acres Loop is a loop trail where you may see local wildlife located near Kodiak, Alaska.
Spruce Cape Trail
Kodiak, Alaska
1.5 mi
/ 98 ft gain
Spruce Cape Trail is a loop trail where you may see local wildlife located near Kodiak, Alaska.
Hike Spruce Cape
Kodiak, Alaska
1.4 mi
This hike is 1.4 mile out and back hike that leads to great island views and a fun beach to explore. This is one of the easiest hikes on Kodiak Island. Accessible in all seasons with a well groomed trail, minimal gear is needed, making it more of a nice walk that can be accomplished at all times in most weather that you are willing to go out in. Parking is along the fence where the road dead e...
Abercrombie/Gertrude Lake Loop
Kodiak, Alaska
1.41 mi
/ 118 ft gain
Abercrombie/Gertrude Lake Loop is a loop trail that takes you by a lake located near the State of Alaska.
Fort Abercrombie Cliffs Loop
Kodiak, Alaska
2.59 mi
/ 509 ft gain
Fort Abercrombie Cliffs Loop is a loop trail that takes you by a lake located near Kodiak, Alaska.
Termination Point
Kodiak, Alaska
5.37 mi
/ 755 ft gain
Termination Point is an out-and-back trail that takes you through a nice forest located near Kodiak, Alaska.
Places to stay
Kodiak, Alaska
Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge Cabins
Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge is known world-wide for its iconic wildlife. Visitors journey here to view Kodiak brown bears an...
Quick links
- The best hiking trails in Kodiak
- The best backpacking in Kodiak
- The best camping in Kodiak
- Top adventures in Kodiak
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