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Lost Your Inspiration? Get Outside.

I was uninspired and I didn’t know how to get my lust for creativity back. It took some time, but here’s what worked for me.

By: Garrett Graham + Save to a List

I take photos and videos for a living and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy. But 2017 came along and all January I was stuck in bed with a cold and in February I crashed my Phantom. Needless to say I haven’t been super pumped over the past couple of months and that attitude spilled over into my work.

I was uninspired and I didn’t know how to get my lust for creativity back. The past week or so has been a lot better and I’m back to my old self again, but it took effort. So, here’s what worked for me.

Change Locations

I spent the better part of a month locked up in my apartment and it drove me crazy. My grand plans of venturing out into the world stopped coming to me. Planning shots at awesome locations just didn’t happen. It wasn’t until I pushed myself back outside that it all started to click for me again. There is nothing like a slap in the face from an icy wind on the top of a mountain to pull you out of a funk.

If you’re locked in a room all day make a point to spend 30 minutes outside. It doesn’t matter what you do or where you go. Get out there. Nature has a way of putting your life in perspective.

Solve a creative problem

My Dad is a woodworker and was having a problem with a table he was building. I took a look at the table and helped him come up with a couple of solutions. It ended up helping me more than him.

Creativity is problem solving, except there are no right or wrong answers. So when you’re solving creative problems and allowing your brain to run free, you’re exercising a part that’s been lacking.

I understand this could be hard to put in place. Not everyone knows a creative person with a problem, but you can impose a problem on yourself. Make something. A table, a wallet, a web site. Anything that’s not what you’re creatively stuck on. Go to the art store and pick up some painting supplies. Painting is a cheap way to get the creative juices flowing.

Take a break

Every time I went outdoors I had my camera gear with me. Every awesome view I saw I took a picture. Every unforgettable moment, I filmed.

I started to associate the outdoors with work.

I’ve since gotten out and just enjoyed where I was. It’s important to keep the things you care about from turning into a burden. You’ll also have the added benefit of looking at things with fresh eyes. Going on a hike with a backpack full of cameras is a different experience from just wanting to see a great Vista.

In the end it’s all about changing your mindset. So do what makes you comfortable. If reading clears your mind, start there. If it’s playing a sport, go for it. But these are the things that helped me find my groove again.

Whatever you do, don’t focus and stress on the fact you’re creatively blocked. It will only make things worse.

We want to acknowledge and thank the past, present, and future generations of all Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples whose ancestral lands we travel, explore, and play on. Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!

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