Katch Silva
I just did this hike twice in one week. The first time I hiked by foot the whole time, no snow shoes, and it was definitely worth the almost 14 mile hike! Three days later I rented a snowmobile and did the part of the closed road on it, then parked it and continued the trail head by foot. Again, totally worth it! I definitely recommend it, especially in the winter. They're way easier to reach in the summer (just the 2.5 mile hike in since the road isn't closed) but I think I'd still prefer them in the winter, since its way less crowded.
Easy hike to a great spot. I didn't swim in the pool because it was a bit chilly when I went, in early spring, but it was beautiful and there were only a handful of people there. I'll definitely be going back in the summer!
It was definitely other-worldly. I recommend coming in a car that can handle rough terrain, driving around some of the rough roads is fun, and on a dirt bike or ATV it looked really fun, though I didn't get to do it, others looked like they were enjoying it!
One of my favorite spots to camp in CA. There is nothing like sleeping under the starts out there. And it cools off perfectly at night. Winter is pretty cold but also doable, I've camped out there year round!
I did this hike on snowshoes in January and it was so amazing. It was my first time snowshoeing so it took me longer than usual, but the lakes were amazing, all frozen over, it was a winter wonderland. There were some people on snowshoes, lots with yaktrax. So for the winter I definitely recommend some sort of traction on your shoes. And lots of snacks, we stopped often to refuel.
This forest was something I wasn't expecting to see in the states. It was absolutely incredible. We also got to see moose on feeding right near the trail!
I camped out here one night, about a mile from the parking lot. Its so peaceful and beautiful, and we went on a weekday and we were the only ones out there. I definitely recommend bringing a bear canister. We didn't have one on us but we buried our food (in a sealed bag) and put a log on top of it, and in the morning there were clear raccoon tracks all around it, even marks where they tried to dig it out! Also make sure you don't camp too close to the water, or else the rising tide will surprise you!
I did this hike last May, it was a super foggy day so we didn't get any of the incredible views, but it was still gorgeous. I recommend it rain or shine! And it can get pretty chilly up there so come prepared with a wind or rain jacket just in case!
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