Just make sure to have plenty of water (any time of year) it gets hot!
Exactly as the description says...amazingly clear water, little nooks and crannies to explore and at sunset, this place is magic. Bring a snack, a blanket, and pick up any trash on the way out.
Huntington Beach has come a long way from even 10 years ago. There are shops, restaurants, bars and really anything you can think of. With new promenades and places to relax, chill and have a drink, it's becoming an even better beach town. Parking is tough in the summer, so get there early and don't hesitate to go down some side streets to find parking. Bring a great attitude and sense of adventure and have a great time.
If you want to see a bit more of Newport Beach than just the beach itself, this is a must-do. Especially at sunset. There is a ton of parking, it's family-friendly, and you can set up a little picnic and watch the sun go down.
Nothing strenuous, but just a great way to push the kids around and have a great few hours. There are educational signs telling you about the flora, fauna, and animals in the reserve and plenty of parking.
Seal is the hidden beach of Orange County, but it has everything you'd want and need. Food, shops, rentals, waves, and sand. The north part of the beach (around the jetty) is called warm waters since there is a continuous stream of warm water being pushed into the ocean. Bring the whole family and have an awesome day.
This is just a huge stretch of beach in north, north Huntington Beach, just before you get to Seal. There is a quaint little community that surrounds this area and some good restaurants as well. Awesome place for sunset photos.
Like the author said, a great place to learn that isn't on the "ocean'. The water is smooth, there aren't a ton of other boats, SUP'ers, kayaks, etc. to get you nervous and you get a great view of the houses in the area. An awesome place for beginners.
I just did this hike and it's fantastic...albeit the weather made it more difficult, i.e. HOT. But there are trees for shade, places to get water and just enjoy being out in nature. There can be some MTB'ers so just keep an ear peeled and bring a camera for some cool photos.
If you're looking for everything you've ever imagined a California beach day to be, this is it. Surf, chill, V-Ball, BBQ, swim, etc. you can do it all. You'll find longboards, shortboards, SUP's, alias, bodyboards...you name it, it's here and everyone is having a good time. Bring a positive attitude and leave the beach better than you found it.
This isn't a world-class climbing spot by any means, but there are some good holds and routes to test you. Not to mention the scenery is pretty amazing. Go with an open mind and with the idea that you'll be challenged a bit.
Even if you don't see flowers or wildlife, you'll be blown away by the views and tranquility on this spot. It's just so peaceful and worth the hike.
If you want the best way to see the Laguna coast, this is it. You'll have the most incredible views of North Laguna, the tidepools, the homes, the little beaches, and coves. It's incredible.
Just a great all-around hike. Semi-strenuous, but worth it and the views are stunning. Bring some water along with your camera.
Tons of sites, great atmosphere, food/ shops nearby, and just an all-around awesome place to bring the family. You can surf, lounge, walk the beach, play games and have a BBQ!!!
Although being hidden a bit, this place is a great respite from the summer hustle-and-bustle of Laguna. You can picnic here, people watch or use it as a starting point to explore the rest of downtown.
These photos are exactly what you see. An amazing arch, a great beach, perfect for photos and just to get away from it all.
If you see a big south swell coming in, with a little bit of west in it, you should definitely check out Brooks. There's the second reef roll-in but the real punch comes on the inside section. If it's working, there will be a lot of good, talented locals, so make sure to smile, wait your turn and enjoy surfing in Laguna. It's rare.
Never would have thought this would be in Southern California, let alone in Laguna. Just a stunning beach, amazing scenery and totally accessible...even family friendly. Stop by and make sure to leave it better than you found it (pick up a few pieces of trash).
Not a strenuous hike, it is uphill, but once you get to the "top" the views are incredible and 100% worth it.
...but totally worth the walk up and down. Just a pristine beach that has little sections to bodysurf, people watch and have a beach picnic. Definitely pack up all your trash and pick up a few more pieces on your way out.
Make sure you check a tide chart to time the low tide, but other than that, there's plenty of parking, great views and a TON of pools to explore.
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