Rebecca StubbsExplorer
I have done this trail a few times after work in the summer. I love that there are not large crowds. I didn't get to finish the hike one time because a moose and her calf were blocking the trail and didn't want to move.
I love doing this one after work! So easy to get to and I can bring my dog.
I just wanted to throw in that you can totally tube this river as well. If you do not have a kayak you can buy a tube for a couple bucks and enjoy the river as well!
I have done this hike a few times and even though it's long, it's worth it! I love the meadows on the way up. The lake is a great place to sit and relax before you tackle the hike back down.
This hike is easy which is probably it's best asset. The lake is not too special but I still recommend it just because it is something that can easily be done after work!
I did this hike in mid november. I was a little scared that it would be freezing! We had wetsuits and neoprene socks though and we were totally fine. In fact I have done canyons in the middle of the summer that were much colder. I loved every moment of this hike, and even though it is pretty long I plan on going back and doing it over and over again.
Just want to throw in here that this hike is steep! There really are no easy parts on the way up, but then it makes a pretty quick decent possible. Also there is a great climbing wall not too far into the hike. We saw some gear left there (or else we may not have noticed it) and would love to go back and try to climb it.
Fall is definitely the best time to hit up this hike! I don't think it would be much to look at in the winter although I have never done it. I may be wrong. There just are not any peaks or anything that would be too amazing. It is the aspens reflecting in the water that makes this hike great. I give it 4 stars simply because it is so short and is easy to do!
I did this hike last weekend and it was sweet in the ice! I have done it in every season and there really is not a bad time to go. It is so short and easy that it can even be done combined with another hike up big cottonwood canyon.
This hike starts from the valley floor and is pretty steep, I definitely recommend doing it in the spring or fall to avoid the brutal summer temperatures! although you could cool down by sitting under the falls ;)
Last year I did this hike in all 4 seasons. It was amazing each time! I usually do not like super crowded trails, but this one is so amazing I do not mind.
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