Christina Adele Warburg-HonExplorer
Resident of Glacier National Park. Lover of Hot Cheetos and Dresses. Also, mountains.
Nice 15 minute walk, with lots of biodiversity to witness.
I can't say enough good things about this trail. I did it four times during my two days in the Everglades. The wildlife was always abundant and the large ponds offered great reflections for sunrise and sunset photography. It was gorgeous and easily accessible. I don't think it can get much better.
Definitely worth the time when in the Everglades. And don't forget the bug repellent!
If you are more into photography than swimming (like myself) I would absolutely recommend going in the off season to avoid the crowds. Definitely a beautiful spot and worth a trip even when crowded. However, starting on May 1, reservations will be required to enter the preserve. So if you want to visit and see this gorgeous place in person, you will need to plan accordingly!
This is one of my favorite hikes in Sedona and it is absolutely worth the effort. I will say though, it is a bit crowded for my taste and it can be hard to find parking. Make sure to arrive early to beat the crowds.
I did this hike four times in the three days I was at Zion. Its a fun, scenic, short hike that is great to get your blood flowing in the morning, or if you just want a quiet place to watch sunset after an active day. It is an absolutely beautiful overlook, and at sunrise the clouds above the canyon as well as the canyon walls light up very nicely. I highly recommend watching at least one sunrise here while in Zion.
A lot of the reviews suggest heading out early in the morning, I would also suggest starting the hike a couple of hours before sunset for avoiding crowds. The temperature was extremely comfortable and watching the sunset from the top was something I will never forget. After sunset there was still enough light to get down the scary part before it was completely dark. The rest of the hike was easily finished with headlamps. The best part of it- we only saw five other people on the trail the entire time. Absolutely one of my favorite experiences!
This was a great and easy hike to take during sunset. So beautiful with 360 views. The thing that struck me was just how easily accessible this hike was from the 15. I drive that Interstate all the time and have never stopped, this is just a quick 15 minutes from it and rest assured I will be stopping everytime from now on.
I actually just happened to drive across the bridge right before sunset with no prior knowledge of it. I immediately pulled over after seeing the view and set up my tripod. It must have been a fluke night because only one other person joined me about 10 minutes after I got there. So if you want solitude to enjoy this beautiful spot, I suggest going in February.
This is absolutely my favorite thing to do in the Tetons in the winter! However be prepared, because the snow surrounding the barns can be extremely deep, and soft. Even wearing snowshoes I was digging myself out, but it is oh so worth it. Not many people venture out here in the winter, and so your photos will not only be gorgeous, but they will be unique. Also keep your eyes out for wolves, as three packs call this place part of their territory and they are MUCH easier to spot in the winter.
Loved this stop and it seemed like I just could not get enough photos. It is one the foggiest and -as mentioned- windiest points in the United States, so make sure to plan for that. We went early in the morning and had the place to ourselves for about an hour, and by the time we got back to the parking lot it was completely parked up with people circling and looking for spots, so my suggestion would be to arrive earlier rather than later. But whatever the time, make sure to make this stop!
With easy parking right off the main highway, it is a quick and must see spot! I also would add that you should absolutely try and go at high tide as the reflections add a really beautiful element.
I love this spot because it is so much less crowded then all of others. The way the rocks are arranged adds to a sense of seclusion, it really felt like we were the only humans for miles and it was wonderful. Add that it is within walking distance of the arch rock and an extremely short drive to the Cholla Garden- which is my favorite sunrise spot. Aim to camp here next time you visit!
After spending a few days in Joshua Tree, we saved this spot for sunrise on the last day. Let me just say that we saved the best for last. As he said, the light coming off the cacti glows in the morning and it is absolutely spectacular! Definitely make sure to visit on your trip to Joshua Tree.
Grand Teton can be a vastly different park depending on the season and Colter Bay is no different. While in the summer there is a developed campground with 5 miles worth of loops of sites and 5 more miles of RV sites and all kinds of development-in the winter there is only a small strip of road that is plowed near the lake for camping. It is actually the only place you are allowed to camp in the winter in the park. Please don't camp here on the beach over the summer, or you will walk away with a fat federal ticket. It should be noted that the fee to camp here is technically $5.00, although after coming here many times over the winter and searching for a box to deposit the money, I never located it. However, it is probably the most scenic place I have ever camped and there are plenty of recreational activities that you can do right from here. Bundle up for cold temperatures and you are all set! Enjoy!
This is one of my favorite hikes in Tetons as it is short, easy, and still beautiful. If you go in the evening or after dark you will generally have the trail to yourself, but be aware that if you go during the day you are likely to encounter many many people. Not only is it one of the most crowded trails in the park, it is also one of the trails with the highest bear activity. Just keep these facts in mind as you plan your trip and maybe plan it for an evening, and BRING YOUR BEAR SPRAY. That being said, it is absolutely worth the hike and it is spectacularly beautiful.
For years, I had been hearing about how amazing Delta Lake was. However, the unmaintained trail bit of it scared me off so that I never attempted to find the lake. Finally I decided that I had to go, and to my surprise, the trail was not all that difficult to follow. Granted, it is not your average trail, but I took friends with me who have never really hiked before and they had no trouble keeping up or locating it. Be extra cautious as some of the rocks are loose enough to be knocked down and could potentially injure people below you. And definitely do not hike this one alone, as the potential for falls is great. Otherwise the lake is absolutely stunning and beyond compare in the Range. There are lots of trees surrounding the lake so bring a hammock and hang out. Also, there is a small cliff jumping rock there and if you are feeling brave (the water is ice cold) it is loads of fun.
With my house being only a few hundred yards from this trail, it is one I have frequented over the years. The mirror reflection of the Tetons is absolutely stunning, especially if you make it there for sunrise or sunset. While the fishing there isn't outstanding, I generally average about 5 fish in an afternoon which makes the views all the more stunning (Just make sure to check the fishing regs beforehand to make sure this legal depending on the time of year). I would highly recommend this hike in the fall when it is at it's most stunning, and while it freezes over in the winter, it is still worth the snowshoe trip out.
As Eric said, free, scenic and easy to access. The site itself is perched on top of a hill and you have almost 360 views of the valley and the red hills behind it. Also the wedding tree's themselves are dense enough that should it happen to rain, you are mostly protected by them (but don't depend fully on them -also bring a rain fly).
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