Tara StamnesExplorer
Headed up yesterday just after sunrise and saw no one but those who camped overnight. By the time we came back from Greendrop it was like a freeway at Lindeman - go early! Would highly recommend this hike to folks trying to get unfit or beginner hikers out into nature. So much beauty, it's hard to not get hooked!
Hiked this today. Great trail, good fun. Came back with very wet boots but can't wait to get back in the summer. Still a fair bit of snow on the Upper Loop (>1ft in some spots + compression). You can tell the snow is melting as there is definite sinkage in some spots. Many snags down and deep puddles on upper loop as well - was hard to find the path a couple times due to rerouting around fallen logs. Would recommend doing lower loop for the next few weeks until more of the snow is gone with upcoming rain - significantly less snow there!
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