Explore Chapman Falls in Devil's Hopyard SP
East Haddam, Connecticut
Added by David Gallo
Small effort, big reward. A few minute hike to one of my favorite waterfalls and hangout spots in Connecticut.
If you map to Chapman Falls in East Haddam, CT, you will be brought to a parking lot opposite from the waterfall in Devil's Hopyard, a beautiful Connecticut state park. Once there, it's only a few minute walk down a very clear trail to the base of the 60 foot falls. There's plenty of room to set up a hammock and have a picnic, especially the upper portion of the falls. The best part of these falls for me is how accessible they are for swimming. On a hot summer day nothing is better than submerging yourself in the rushing waters of a cool waterfall. You can even go behind the water curtain and hangout for a bit. If you and your friends or family (all ages can easily access the falls) are looking for a fun mini-adventure with minimal effort to hangout and chill for a few hours, this is definitely recommended for you!
Aside from the falls, Devil's Hopyard offers miles of trails, birding, fishing, and a campground.
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I grew up in these areas and it's a space for all kinds of people. You'll find families, nature, graffiti, and litter in the picnic areas. Keep places beautiful by leaving it better than you found it. You can park above Chapman Falls or below it where the river runs through the picnic area, where you'll find another parking area. Chapman is only the start of your adventure. Below the falls, over the bridge from the picnic area is the start of trails that will take you through the Devil's Hopyard trails. I often go to the vista point in a loop heading up the hill then coming back down following the river. Try to find the Devil's Oven. This forest is really lovely and I personally like for photography because of the deep forest lighting.
Vista Trail provides a nice view in addition to the initial waterfall.
Got to swim in the waterfall which was cool, has a bunch of little pools that are all pretty accessible
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Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!
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